A generalized approach to the allocation of redundant thrust vector slew commands for multi-actuated launch vehicles is presented, where deflection constraints are expressed as omniaxial or elliptical deflection limits in gimbal axes. More importantly than in the aircraft control allocation problem, linear allocators (pseudoinverses) are preferred for large booster applications to facilitate accurate prediction of the control-structure interaction resulting from thrust vectoring effects. However, strictly linear transformations for the allocation of redundant controls cannot, in general, access all of the attainable moments for which there is a set of control effector positions that satisfies the constraints. In this paper, the control allocation efficiency of a certain class of linear allocators subject to multiple quadratic constraints is analyzed, and a novel single-pass control allocation scheme is proposed that augments the pseudoinverse near the boundary of the attainable set. The controls are determined over a substantial volume of the attainable set using only a linear transformation; as such, the algorithm maintains compatibility with frequencydomain approaches to the analysis of the vehicle closed-loop elastic stability. Numerical results using a model of a winged reusable booster system illustrate the proposed technique's ability to access a larger fraction of the attainable set than a pseudoinverse alone. Nomenclature a ij = principal axis lengths of ith constraint ellipsoid, rad B = control effectiveness sensitivity matrix, 1∕s 2 B i = submatrix of B associated with ith engine, 1∕s 2 c i = constraint scaling constant associated with ith engine F i = thrust force of ith engine, lbf H = scalar cost function I = identity matrix i G ,ĵ G ,k G = orthonormal basis of gimbal frame G J = rigid body moment of inertia tensor, slug · ft 2 k = number of engines l = unit vector in R n M = moment sensitivity matrix, ft · lbf∕rad m = number of control inputs; 2k N P = matrix with columns forming a basis for kernel of PB − I N B = matrix with columns forming a basis for kernel of B n = number of controlled degrees of freedom p = number of parameters used to determine a generalized inverse P R = null space projecting transformation r Gi = location of ith engine with respect to vehicle center of mass, ft S = inverse allocation weight matrix T A i = thrust vector transformation matrix due to actuation T G i = transformation of nozzle angular degrees of freedom from gimbal to body u i , u 0 i = null-position and perturbed thrust unit vector, respectively W = allocation weight matrix Γ = perturbation angular acceleration, rad∕s 2 Γ c = perturbation angular acceleration, commanded, rad∕s 2 γ i = image of thrust deflection δ i under the transformation B i Δ = control vector of thrust deflections, rad Δ 0 , Δ s , Δ e = component of control vector within, on, and outside the admissible set, respectivelỹ Δ= augmented control vector, rad δ i = vector in R 2 of small thrust rotations in gimbal frame, rad E i R i = constraint el...