Highlights• This study investigated the mineral nutritional value of green leafy vegetable (GLV) dishes and composite and maize porridge meals.• GLV dishes contained average amounts of zinc, but were high in both iron and antinutrients.• Compositing the GLV dishes with fortified maize porridge decreased the iron and zinc contents.• The low antinutrient content of the maize porridge, led to increased amounts of bioaccessible iron and zinc in the meals.
AbstractObjectives: This study aimed to determine the mineral nutritive value of different traditional African green leafy vegetable (GLV) dishes and their composite meals with fortified and unfortified maize porridge.Methods: The mineral (Fe, Zn and Ca) and anti-nutrient (phytate, total phenolics and tannins) contents and the in vitro bioaccessibility of iron and zinc were analysed. The iron and zinc contents