Along with vessel detection, vessel recognition in high-resolution SAR images was necessary in order to monitor marine vessels effectively. However, lack of target data and phase defocusing of target from its velocity limited the recognition performance, especially when using detectors based on artificial intelligence. This study accordingly proposed effective vessel recognition in high-resolution ICEYE spotlight SAR images consecutively utilizing (i) vessel detector robust to defocused moving vessels and (ii) mitigation of moving target phase distortion. In order to apply quantitative and qualitative training data enhancement, a target velocity SAR phase refocusing function was developed. The proposed target velocity SAR phase refocusing function generated defocused SLC image with respect to different target azimuth velocity, which can be utilized for both training data augmentation and refocusing of velocity-induced phase distortion. Achievement of stable vessel recognition performance was enabled from (i) robust vessel detection on defocused moving vessels and (ii) well-focused detected vessel targets, both of which were consecutively applied using the proposed target velocity SAR phase refocusing function. Vessel detection results demonstrated robust performance regardless of vessel motion and vessel recognition results significantly improved after phase refocusing, both of which were subject to quantitative and qualitative training data enhancement. Performance of the proposed algorithm was analyzed both in terms of phase focusing and velocity estimation. Refocusing performance outperformed that of conventional state-of-the-art autofocusing algorithm, modified Phase Gradient Autofocusing, while azimuth velocity estimation derived the average offset of 0.68 m/s, which was regarded more accurate than previous azimuth velocity estimators based on single-channel SAR image.