Molecular rotors are ac lass of fluorophores that enable convenient imaging of viscosity inside microscopic sampless uch as lipid vesicleso rlive cells. Currently, rotor compounds containingaboron-dipyrromethene( BODIPY) group are among the most promisingv iscosity probes. In this work, it is reportedt hat by addingh eavy-electron-withdrawing ÀNO 2 groups, the viscosity-sensitiver ange of a BODIPYp robe is drasticallye xpandedf rom 5-1500cPt o 0.5-50 000 cP.T he improved range makes it, to our knowledge, the first hydrophobic molecular rotor applicable not only at moderate viscosities but also for viscosity measurements in highlyv iscous samples. Furthermore, the photo-physicalm echanism of the BODIPY molecular rotors under study has been determined by performing quantum chemical calculations and transienta bsorption experiments. This mechanism demonstrates how BODIPY molecular rotors work in general,w hy the ÀNO 2 group causes such an improvement, and why BODIPYm olecular rotors suffer from undesirable sensitivity to temperature. Overall,b esides reporting av iscosity probe with remarkable properties, the results obtainede xpandt he general understanding of molecular rotors and show away to use the knowledge of their molecular actionm echanism for augmenting their viscositysensing properties.[**] BODIPY = boron-dipyrromethene.Supporting Information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under: https://doi.