“…Monoclonal antibodies B1, B4, and PCA-1 were purchased from Coulter Clone, (Luton, England); Leu2, Leu3, Transferrin Receptor, CALLA, and phycoerythrin conjugated Leu2, Leu3, Leul5, HLA-DR from Becton and Dickinson (Mountain View, CA); OKT3 from Ortho Diagnostic (Raritan, NJ); TEC-T10 (15), that shows a very similar reactivity to OKTlO, was obtained from Technogenetics (Turin, Italy); HAN-PCl (16), recognizing a plasma cell-associated antigen, was kindly provided by Dr. Tidelmans. Fluorescein conjugated goat antimouse Ig was from Becton and Dickinson.…”