ABSTRACT:A Monte Carlo (MC) study is made of the intrinsic viscosity ½ and also of the mean-square radius of gyration hS 2 i for regular three-arm star freely rotating chains of bond angles ¼ 109 , 165 , and 175 and with the Lennard-Jones 6-12 potentials between beads having the parameter values corresponding to the  temperature, in the range of the total number n of bonds in the chain from 60 to 300. Three kinds of approximate values of ½ are calculated by the use of the Kirkwood-Riseman (KR) approximation, the Zimm rigid-body ensemble approximation which gives an upper bound ½ (U) to ½ , and by the Fixman method which gives a lower bound ½ (L) , the KR value of ½ being designated ½ (KR) . On the basis of the three kinds of MC values of ½ so obtained, the behavior of the ratio g of ½ for the star chain to that for the linear one, both having the same n, is examined as a function of the reduced contour length L as defined as the total contour length L of the corresponding Kratky-Porod (KP) wormlike chain divided by its stiffness parameter À1 , the values of L having been determined from an analysis of the present and previous MC data for hS 2 i on the basis of the KP chain. It is found that the KR value g (KR) of g as defined by ½ (KR) (star)= ½ (KR) (linear) lies between the values of an upper bound g (U) and a lower one g (L) , which are defined by The mean-square radius of gyration hS 2 i and/or the intrinsic viscosity ½ as measures of the average chain dimension of polymers in dilute solution depend largely on their molecular structure, e.g., linear or branched. It has therefore been of great interest to investigate the difference in hS 2 i or ½ between linear and branched polymer chains, and many theoretical and experimental studies 1-9 have already been made. However, almost all of those studies were of flexible polymers except for the theoretical one by Mansfield and Stockmayer, 4 the Monte Carlo (MC) one by Zimm, 5 and the experimental one by Goodson and Novak. 9 Mansfield and Stockmayer calculated hS 2 i of the Kratky-Porod (KP) wormlike 10,11 star chain (without excluded volume) and examined the behavior of its ratio g S to hS 2 i of the corresponding linear one having the same total length of the chain contour (molecular weight). Zimm evaluated ½ of ''wormlike'' four-and six-arm stars by the use of his rigidbody ensemble approximation. 12 Unfortunately, however, his calculation is rather limited, as mentioned by himself that it was a preliminary survey. Goodson and Novak synthesized three-arm star poly(n-hexyl isocyanate) by living titanium-catalized coordination polymerization, 9 and then investigated the behavior of hS 2 i, ½ , and g S as functions of molecular weight.In this paper, we make an extensive MC study of ½ for semiflexible regular three-arm star polymers in the  state, which has not yet been made.The regular three-arm star chain model used in this study is essentially the same as that used in previous MC studies 13,14 of hS 2 i and the second virial coefficient of linear chains with in...