Summary:The objective of this study to determine localization of ultimobranchial gland, specific for reptiles and bird, thyroid and parathyroid glands in long-legged buzzard. A total of eight adult long-legged buzzard, brought to clinics of faculty and could not be rescued with medical treatment, were used for the study. Thyroid gland was among the two branches of the furcula at the entrance of the thoracic inlet. The length, width and thickness of thyroid gland which was the largest of the inspected glands were 4.5±0.8 mm, 2.87±0.53 mm and 2.74±0.42 mm, respectively. Parathyroid gland, the second largest gland, was seen as the a number on the right side, while it generally had two numbers (cranial and caudal) on the left side. While the length, width and thickness of the cranial parathyroid were 1.73±0.38 mm, 1.13±0.18 mm and 1.05±0.67 mm, respectively, the same measurents for the caudal parathyroid were 1.13±0.23 mm, 0.94±0.21 mm and 0.59±0.16 mm respectively. Ultimobranchial gland was found to be asymmetric on both sides (right and left) and being very small. Ultimobranchial gland on the left side generally placed caudal of the caudal parathyroid gland and was determined at the level where begining of common carotid artery in inspected materials. Ultimobranchial gland on the right side was generally located at between oesophagotracheobronchial vein and oesophagotracheobronchial artery. The gland was oval shaped and its average length 1.7±0.47 mm, width 0.94±0.35 mm and thickness 0.5±0.14 mm were determined. In conclusion, the localization of the inspected glands in long legged buzzard was similar to that of the other birds although differences observed in the numbers of parathyroid gland and sizes of the other all glands.Key words: Anatomy, parathyroid gland, thyroid gland, ultimobranchial gland, long-legged buzzard.Kızıl şahinde (Buteo rufinus) glandula ultimobranchialis, glandula thyroidea ve glandula parathyroidea'nın lokalizasyonu Özet: Bu çalışma, sürüngen ve kanatlılara özgü olan glandula ultimobranchialis ile glandula thyroidea ve glandula parathyroidea'nın kızıl şahindeki konumlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmanın materyalini fakültemiz kliniklerine getirilen ve kurtarılamayan sekiz adet ergin kızıl şahin (Buteo rufinus) oluşturdu. Glandula thyroidea'nın kızıl şahinde göğüs boşluğu girişinde furcula'nın iki kolu arasında yer aldığı görüldü. İncelenen bezler içerisinde en büyük olan glandula thyroidea'nın uzunluğu 4,5±0,8 mm, eni 2,87±0,53 mm ve kalınlığı ise 2,74±0,42 mm olarak saptandı. Büyüklük bakımından ikinci sırada olan glandula parathyroidea'nın sağda bir adet, solda ise genelde cranial ve caudal olmak üzere iki adet olduğu görüldü. Cranial'de yer alan glandula parathyroidea'nın uzunluğu 1,73±0,38 mm, eni 1,13±0,18 mm ve kalınlığı 1,05±0,67 mm iken caudal glandula parathyroidea'nın uzunluğu 1,13±0,23 mm, eni 0,94±0,21 mm, kalınlığı 0,59±0,16 mm olarak ölçüldü. Glandula ultimobranchialis'in sağlı sollu asimetrik olarak bulunduğu ve oldukça küçük şekillendiği görüldü. İncelenen matery...