Assume that p > 2, and let O K be a p-adic discrete valuation ring with residue field admitting a finite p-basis, and let R be a formally smooth formally finite-type O K -algebra. (Indeed, we allow slightly more general rings R.) We construct an anti-equivalence of categories between the categories of p-divisible groups over R and certain semi-linear algebra objects which generalise (ϕ, S)-modules of height 1 (or Kisin modules). A similar classification result for p-power order finite flat group schemes is deduced from the classification of p-divisible groups. We also show compatibility of various construction of (Zp-lattice or torsion) Galois representations, including the relative version of Faltings' integral comparison theorem for p-divisible groups. We obtain partial results when p = 2.Ki S (ϕ, ∇ 0 ) of certain "torsion Kisin S-modules" (Definition 9.2.1). Furthermore, we have a natural G R∞ -equivariant isomorphism H(R) ∼ = T * (M * (H)).Let us review previous results when p > 2. When R = O K with perfect residue field, all our main results are known already. Theorem 4(1) is proved by Faltings [Fal99, §6], while the first assertion was already proved by Fontaine [Fon82, 1 Indeed, we will work with slightly more general rings than Brinon [Bri06,Bri08]. See §4.4 for more details.2 In this paper, we only consider commutative finite locally free group schemes, so we will often suppress the adjective "commutative". Definition 6.1.6) as follows:Lemma 6.2.2. Assume that p = 2 and R satisfies the p-basis condition ( §2.2.1). Then the functors Mod S (ϕ) ϕ nilp → MF S (ϕ) ϕ nilp and Mod S (ϕ) ψ nilp → MF S (ϕ) ψ nilp , defined by S ⊗ ϕ,S (·), are fully faithful. The same statement holds for the full subcategories of ϕand ψnilpotent objects in Mod S (ϕ, ∇) and Mod KiThe same proof of Lemma 6.2 shows that it suffices to prove the lemma when R is a p-adic discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field, which follows from combining Proposition 1.1.9 and Theorem 1.2.8 in [Kis09].
Proposition 6.3. Assume that R satisfies the p-basis condition ( §2.2.1). Then the functors Mod, are essentially surjective. In particular, they are equivalences of categories if p > 2 or if they are restricted to ϕand ψnilpotent objects, and are equivalence of categories up to isogeny if p = 2.We prove the proposition later in §6.4. Let us record some interesting corollaries. The following is immediate from Corollary 6.3.1. Assume that R satisfies the p-basis condition ( §2.2.1). If p > 2 then there exists an exact contravariant functorsatisfies the normality assumption ( §2.2.4), and an anti-equivalence of categories if R satisfies the formally finite-type assumption ( §2.2.2). If p = 2 then we have an exact contravariant functor M * [ 1 p ] : G → M * (G)[ 1 p ] on the isogeny categories {p-divisible groups over R}[1/p] → Mod S (ϕ, ∇)[1/p], which is fully faithful if R satisfies the formally finite-type assumption ( §2.2.2).When p = 2, we have the following strengthening of Corollary 6.3.1 for ϕand ψnilpotent objects: Corollary 6.3.2. Let ...