Prothrombin time (PT) is the control test for oral anticoagulant therapy as well as the screening test for defects of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. Its responsiveness to decreased extrinsic clotting factors depends on the source and type of tissue factor thromboplastin extract. In 1994, a rabbit brain thromboplastin – Thromboplastin Bilbao (TBi) – was introduced as a replacement for a human brain preparation used since 1983, with the aim of establishing a national standard. The purpose of this study was to check the reproducibility, the inter-assay/intra-assay accuracy and the stability of this reagent under temperature changes and over time. A method modified from Frei et al. [World Health Organisation Regional Publications, Eastern Mediterranean Series, Alexandria, 1995] was used for the preparation of thromboplastin extract. Thirty-five batches of human TBi were prepared from 1983 to 1988, while from 1993 to 1999 13 batches of rabbit TBi were produced. The inter-assay reproducibility of rabbit TBi exhibited a coefficient of variation (CV) of 1.07–1.57% for normal plasma and of 1.25–2.56% for anticoagulated plasma. The intra-assay CV was 0.06–1.30% for normal plasma and 1.23–2.66% for anticoagulated plasma. The stability of the reagent to temperature changes and time was also estimated, with similar results for the two thromboplastins. As a result of the Oral Anticoagulant Treatment Quality Assessment Scheme in the Basque Country, an in-house rabbit thromboplastin with good sensitivity and reproducibility was developed.