The input to the Triangle Evacuation problem is a triangle ABC. Given a starting point S on the perimeter of the triangle, a feasible solution to the problem consists of two unit-speed trajectories of mobile agents that eventually visit every point on the perimeter of ABC. The cost of a feasible solution (evacuation cost) is defined as the supremum over all points T of the time it takes that T is visited for the first time by an agent plus the distance of T to the other agent at that time. Similar evacuation type problems are well studied in the literature covering the unit circle, the p unit circle for p ≥ 1, the square, and the equilateral triangle. We extend this line of research to arbitrary non-obtuse triangles. Motivated by the lack of symmetry of our search domain, we introduce 4 different algorithmic problems arising by letting the starting edge and/or the starting point S on that edge to be chosen either by the algorithm or the adversary. To that end, we provide a tight analysis for the algorithm that has been proved to be optimal for the previously studied search domains, as well as we provide lower bounds for each of the problems. Both our upper and lower bounds match and extend naturally the previously known results that were established only for equilateral triangles.