Abstract:The manufacturing area has benefited from various progresses over the last decades, such as High Speed Machining (HSM), but CNC programming is still based on dated practices and habits with a segmented unidirectional CAD/CAM/CNC data chain. Decision power is limited at the NC controller stage and online process optimization is difficult. In contrast, advanced programming approaches, such as STEP-NC [9], aim to unify the product/process data within a consistent environment from design to machining. Hence, openNC controller solutions which allow access to their internal algorithms, have emerged. It is consequently possible to implement new tool path control algorithms that respond directly to the actual machining condition. This paper focuses on the interest of openNC controllers to develop advanced programming approaches for HSM processes. The major drawbacks of legacy controllers in the implementation of advanced tool path generation methods are discussed and the most significant openNC projects are reviewed. An integrated test platform has been developed. The advanced HSM programming methods enabled by this openNC controller are discussed.