Currently, diabetic retinopathy is still screened as a three-stage classification, which is a tedious strategy and along these lines of this paper focuses on developing an improved methodology. In this methodology, we taught a convolutional neural network form on a major dataset, which includes around 45 depictions to do mathematical analysis and characterization. In this paper, DR is constructed, which takes the enter parameters as the HRF fundus photo of the eye. Three classes of patients are considered — healthy patients, diabetic’s retinopathy patients and glaucoma patients. An informed convolutional neural system without a fully connected model will also separate the highlights of the fundus pixel with the help of the enactment abilities like ReLu and softmax and arrangement. The yield obtained from the convolutional neural network (CNN) model and patient data achieves an institutionalized 97% accuracy. Therefore, the resulting methodology is having a great potential benefiting ophthalmic specialists in clinical medicine in terms of diagnosing earlier the symptoms of DR and mitigating its effects.