This paper describes the Web-based Biometric Mouse Intelligent (WBMI) System developed by the authors for measuring and analysis of user's emotions and labour productivity with a biometric mouse. The research included development of the WBMI System, which works in the background and is able to assess user's emotional state and labour productivity during work with a computer. The system captures information about user's emotional state and labour productivity using three main biometric techniques: physiological (skin conductance, amplitude of hand tremble, skin temperature), psychological (e-self-reports) and behavioural/motor-behavioural (mouse pressure, speed of mouse pointer movement, acceleration of mouse pointer movement, scroll wheel turns, right-and left-click frequency). The system extracts physiological and motorbehavioural parameters from mouse actions and palm characteristics, and the user fills in the psychological (e-self-reports) data, which can be used to analyse correlations with user's emotional state and labour productivity. Main features of the WBMI System are discussed, and the final recommendations for future research and improvement are included.