This IJGO special section assembles articles on the idea of "Women facing crisis: contagion, climate, conflict". Like climate change, war, and pandemics, the effects of the suffering of women and girls is something that cannot be geopolitically contained.Crisis puts health services under strain, and simultaneously sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) violations are exacerbated by crisis. Pregnancy, childbirth, and unplanned pregnancy are common occurrences in a woman's life -even small reductions in access will result in huge numbers of additional maternal deaths, unsafe abortions, or unmet needs for contraception. Globally, the situation remains that essential SRHR services and SRHR education are often missing. 1 Perhaps this is because obstetrics and gynecology is uniquely politicized. There is no other field of medicine that is as regulated by law or subject to sudden changes depending on who holds political power.