DOI: 10.1101/gad.199869.112
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A multidomain hub anchors the chromosome segregation and chemotactic machinery to the bacterial pole

Abstract: The cell poles constitute key subcellular domains that are often critical for motility, chemotaxis, and chromosome segregation in rod-shaped bacteria. However, in nearly all rods, the processes that underlie the formation, recognition, and perpetuation of the polar domains are largely unknown. Here, in Vibrio cholerae, we identified HubP (hub of the pole), a polar transmembrane protein conserved in all vibrios, that anchors three ParA-like ATPases to the cell poles and, through them, controls polar localizatio… Show more

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Cited by 160 publications
(278 citation statements)
References 40 publications
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“…As has been shown for other polarly flagellated bacteria 37,38 , M. gryphiswaldense does not tumble between smooth swimming phases, but instead swims in a typical run and reversal pattern, with speeds between 20 and 65 mm s À 1 , similar to previously reported values 12,13,39 . In equilibrium conditions, cells showed a reversal frequency of 0.126 s À 1 or less, which is low compared with data reported for non-MTB [40][41][42][43] . Consistent with the adaptation of MTB for growth in redox gradients in stratified sediments 27 , and also with the dependence of oxygen-sensitive magnetite biomineralization and N 2 fixation on suboxic conditions 44,45 , we found a higher proportion of cells swam faster and reversed less frequently under microoxic than under anoxic or fully oxic conditions.…”
Section: Discussioncontrasting
confidence: 41%
“…As has been shown for other polarly flagellated bacteria 37,38 , M. gryphiswaldense does not tumble between smooth swimming phases, but instead swims in a typical run and reversal pattern, with speeds between 20 and 65 mm s À 1 , similar to previously reported values 12,13,39 . In equilibrium conditions, cells showed a reversal frequency of 0.126 s À 1 or less, which is low compared with data reported for non-MTB [40][41][42][43] . Consistent with the adaptation of MTB for growth in redox gradients in stratified sediments 27 , and also with the dependence of oxygen-sensitive magnetite biomineralization and N 2 fixation on suboxic conditions 44,45 , we found a higher proportion of cells swam faster and reversed less frequently under microoxic than under anoxic or fully oxic conditions.…”
Section: Discussioncontrasting
confidence: 41%
“…Because both ParB-parS complexes also carry a division inhibitor, their PopZ-dependent tight fastening at both poles after complete segregation is essential for the correct positioning of the division site near the midcell, where the inhibitor concentration is the lowest (Thanbichler and Shapiro, 2006;Ebersbach et al, 2008). In Vibrio cholerae, HubP provides a link between chromosome segregation, chemotaxis and flagellum synthesis by localizing three different ATPases that position elements of these machineries at the pole (Yamaichi et al, 2012).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Many chromosomal Par systems maintain a single origin-proximal ParB/ parS complex at the old cell pole and, after replication, move one newly replicated parS locus to the opposite pole (9,11,12). Polar protein complexes that interact with chromosome segregation factors have been identified in various bacteria, but the mechanistic consequences of these interactions have not been established (13)(14)(15). In Caulobacter, two distinct polar protein factors affect ParA-mediated centromere segregation: the new polespecific protein TipN (16,17) and the polar organizing protein PopZ (18,19).…”
confidence: 99%