Abstract-Communication is an everyday interaction which allow to express feelings, actions and situations between us. These are very important tasks for the second acquisition language in students.The multimodality perception in learning and also in learning resources is necessary to acquire a new idiom because the communication has different levels, always mixing together. It is very difficult to learn a new language reading texts only e.g. In fact it is used several types of learning strategies mixing different types of communication (listen, reading, oral conversations, tec..) which improve de skills related to knowledge of a new language.The new technical process and devices using in educational multimodal environments will be able to discover new educational interfaces oriented to facilitate the communications between the users and the devices as a new framework scenario to improve the ways of learn in the future.In second language acquisition, SLA for Language Learners, ELLs the skills assessment would be improved if learning and testing digital platforms consider in their design the multimodal technical approach in the user interface.This paper describe the use of multimodal technical interfaces applied to testing in a second language. It could be useful to complement the multimodal process of language learning and the assessment test interface.Keywords-Second Language Acquisition (SLA), testing, multimodal interfaces, multimodal learning.
I. INTRODUCTIONULTIMODAL systems in computer interface is directly related to the behavior of the human communication in the society. In human interfaces the connexion between different cognitive processes (view, listening, writing, etc…) during the acting of learn is the most important thing to be implement a new user interface adapted to a specific task.The technological advances in programming languages on computers and mobile devices are allowing to develop multimodal communication scenarios combined for input and output data intended to improve the learning experience of the user for any learning task. The most basic multimodal input data systems interface combine the mouse and keyboard for instance other advanced multimodal systems combine up to three types of interactions; touch, pencil, speech recognition. In any case it is need it a study of efficiency for specific task to be developed.The advantages of multimodal environments can improve the experience of communication between user and machine and are better accepted by the user. In fact it has been shown that for certain tasks relating to multimodal learning some environments are more efficient than others. For example with 3D objects task on a computer multimodal combination of speech recognition and gestures it is the best (Hauptmann, 1989) while the combination of keyboard-based graphical interface and touchpad is the best for writing text and linguistic task related (Oviatt et Al., 1994), (Oviatt, 2013) Most of the virtual learning interface oriented to second language acquisition, SLA using this tradit...