In this paper, the theoretical framework of a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical damage model dedicated to non-isothermal unsaturated porous media is presented. The damage variable is a second-order tensor, and the model has been formulated in independent state variables. The approach combines thermodynamic and micromechanical theories. The behavior laws have been derived from a postulated expression of Helmholtz free energy. The damaged rigidities have been computed by applying the Principle of Equivalent Elastic Energy (PEEE). Internal length parameters have been introduced in the expressions of liquid water conductivity, to account for cracking effects on fluid flows. Damage has been assumed to have an isotropic influence on air and heat flows, through the inelastic component of volumetric strains. The damage model has been implemented in θ-Stock Finite Element program. Some numerical studies are conducted to the impact of the thermal and mechanical loading on the evaluation of response of the unsaturated bentonite, and investigation of model parameters effect on damage development.