Abstract-The multichannel cochlear implant is the first neural prosthesis to effectively and safely bring electronic technology into a direct physiological relation with the central nervous system and human consciousness. It is also the first cochlear implant to give speech understanding to tens of thousands of persons with profound deafness and spoken language to children born deaf in more than 80 countries. In so doing, it is the first major advance in research and technology to help deaf children communicate since Sign Language of the Deaf was developed at the Paris deaf school (L'Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris) >200 years ago. Furthermore, biomedical research has been fundamental for ensuring that the multielectrode implant is safe as well as effective. More recent research has also shown that bilateral implants confer the benefits of binaural hearing. Future research using nanotechnology should see high-fidelity sound received, which would help deaf persons communicate in noise and enjoy music. Research should also lead to implants in ears with useful hearing.Key words: audiology, auditory neurophysiology, auditory psychophysics, bioengineering, education of hearing impaired, multichannel cochlear implant, nanotechnology, neural prosthesis, rehabilitation, severe to profound deafness, speech science.
Hearing from Electrical Stimulation of Auditory Nerve
Preliminary Studies on Subjects with HearingInterest in electrical methods of inducing hearing started after Alessandro Volta, who discovered the electrolytic cell, stimulated his own auditory system by connecting a battery of 30 or 40 "couples" to two metal rods, which he inserted into his ears. The sensation was momentary and lacked tonal quality [1].Because sound is an alternating disturbance in an elastic medium, stimulating the auditory system with a direct current (DC) was later appreciated to not reproduce a satisfactory hearing sensation. Consequently, Duchene of Boulogne in 1855 [2], and later others, stimulated the ear with an alternating current. The result, however, was still not satisfactory, and only noise was produced.Renewed interest occurred with the introduction of the thermionic valve, which enabled the auditory system to be stimulated electrically with much greater precision. This work was supported by the findings that the voltages recorded from the auditory nerve of a cat were similar in frequency and amplitude to the sounds presented to the ear, but they were still heard as noise [3].Abbreviations: ABF = adaptive beamformer, ACE = Advanced Combination Encoder, ADRO = adaptive dynamic range optimization, AGC = automatic gain control, ARC = Australian Research Council, ASC = automatic sensitivity control, CIS = continuous interleaved sampling, CNC = consonant-nucleusconsonant, DC = direct current, DRSP = differential rate speech processor, F0 = fundamental (voicing) frequency, F1 = first formant frequency, F2 = second formant frequency, FDA = Food and Drug Administration, NIH = National Institutes of Hea...