The genotypic pop u la tions struc ture of Ascochyta pinodes and Phoma pinodella was de ter mined across a hi er ar chy of spa tial and tem po ral scale by us ing veg e ta tive in com pat i bil ity sys tem as phenotypic ge netic marker. Com po nents of ge netic vari a tion within and be tween pop u la tions in cluded the fol low ing val ues: in dices of di ver sity H', rich ness (g), in di ces of even ness E 1 , E 2 and E 5, spatio-tem po ral anal y sis of genotypic varia tion (H T and H S val ues), pairwise com par i sons of ge no type di ver sity, dis tri bu tion of VCGs across spatio-tem po ral scale (G ST value) and anal y sis of vari ance cal cu lated on VCGs ge no type fre quen cies within pop u la tions. It has been found that genotypic pop u la tions struc ture of Ascochyta pinodes and Phoma pinodella be long to mixed pop u la tion struc ture clonal and re com bin ing. Three re gional pop u la tions of Ascochyta pinodes and Phoma pinodella dif fered sig nif i cantly in both of VCGs ge no type fre quen cies and their dis tri bu tion on a spatio-tem po ral scale in di cat ing on the low or mod er ate de gree of ge no type mi gra tion be tween re gions of Po land.Keywords: Mycosphaerella (Didymella) pinodes anamorph Ascochyta pinodes, Phoma pinodella (teleomorph Didymella), genotypic pop u la tion struc ture, com po nents the ge netic vari a tion of pop u la tion, VCG fre quency, spa tial and tem po ral VCG diversity
INTRODUCTIONAscochyta blight of pea is caused pri mar ily by Ascochyta pinodes (Berk et Blox) Jones teleomorph Mycosphaerella pinodes (Berk et Blox) Vesterg = Didymella pinodes, Pertrak and Phoma medicaginis var pinodella (Jones) Boerema = A.pinodella Jones (teleomorph Didymella). This dis ease provides a good ex am ple of the dif fi cul ties in seed in fec tions con trol ling and ep i dem ics of Ascochyta blight causes by patho gens that are highly host-spe cific and are ca pa ble of caus ing se ri ous dam age in a con duc tive envi ron ment. Since the area of pea has sys tem at i cally in creased in some countries of the world, Ascochyta blight of pea has be come one of the most im por tant dis eases in pea pro duc tion. Ex cept of di rect yield losses,
Communicated by Ed ward ArseniukPLANT BREEDING AND SEED SCIENCE