This study presents the use of hybrid photovoltaic -fuel cell (PV -FC) renewable energy scheme for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) battery-charging stations. The hybrid PV -FC DC interface scheme is dynamically controlled using a self-regulating tri-loop controller based on multi-objective particle swarm optimisation. The proposed utilisation scheme ensures efficient DC source energy utilisation from the hybrid PV -FC DC with minimal DC current inrush conditions and a fully stabilised DC bus voltage. The multi-loop battery-charging regulator allows for hybrid (voltage, current and power) charging modes for efficient, fast charging and DC energy efficient utilisation. The proposed hybrid renewable green energy PV -FC battery-charging scheme is fully validated by simulation and laboratory prototype testing.
PSOparticle swarm optimisation SOPSO single-objective particle swarm optimisation MOPSO multi-objective particle swarm optimisation FC fuel cell PV photo voltaic HEV hybrid electric vehicle GPFC green plug filter compensator V id velocity of the ith particle with d dimensions X id position of the ith particle with d dimensions rand 1 , rand 2 two uniform random functions on the range [0.1] v inertia weight that is chosen beforehand C 1 cognitive learning rate C 2 social learning rate P id location along dimension d at which the particle previously had the best-fitness measure P gd current location along dimension d of the neighbourhood particle with the best fitness V d instantaneous DC bus voltage V d base base value of the DC bus voltage I d instantaneous DC bus current I d base base value of the DC bus current T 12 , T 13 , T 14 time delays for the green plug filter compensator scheme regulator (B) V B instantaneous battery voltage