S"um/nary: The bile liquid is preserved with ethanol and the protein is precipitated. Prefractionating is done by liquid-liquid Pxtraction by chloroform and ethyl aceta.t,e. The extra& are eo-1 nmn-chromatographically separated on Florisil and subsequently detect,ed by t hin-layer chromatography. For determining the identit,g of substances, the penta fluorobenzyl derivatives are prepared and chromatographed under the same conditions. Detection is carried out. with the aid of aiiinioiiiacal silver nitrate reagency and ultraviolet irradiat,ion. The highly polar conjugates of chlorophenoxyalkane acids and chlorophenols which are present in the bile are cracked by acid hydrolysis and then cleaned by re-extraction. I n this way, 2, 4-D, MCPA, MCPP, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenol were detected from Salmo gnirdneri. 6 ... 21 d after t,he application of t,he herbicides in the catchment area their concentration in the fish bile amounted to about 200 mgil, 90 O;,, of them having been conjiipat,es. Thus, the biliary excretion of xenobiotic substances offers an important new aspect of biomonitoring by means of fish tests, especially in the raiige of subacute and chronic toxicity.