We investigate the relationships among summertime ozone (O 3), temperature, and humidity on daily timescales across the Northern Hemisphere using observations and model simulations. Temperature and humidity are significantly positively correlated with O 3 across continental regions in the midlatitudes (∼35-60 • N). Over the oceans, the relationships are consistently negative. For continental regions outside the midlatitudes, the O 3-meteorology correlations are mixed in strength and sign but generally weak. Over some high latitude, low latitude, and marine regions, temperature and humidity are significantly anticorrelated with O 3. Daily variations in transport patterns linked to the position and meridional movement of the jet stream drive the relationships among O 3 , temperature, and humidity. Within the latitudinal range of the jet, there is an increase (decrease) in O 3 , temperature, and humidity over land with poleward (equatorward) movement of the jet, while over the oceans poleward movement of the jet results in decreases of these fields. Beyond the latitudes where the jet traverses, the meridional movement of the jet stream has variable or negligible effects on surface-level O 3 , temperature, and humidity. The O 3-meteorology relationships are largely the product of the jet-induced changes in the surface-level meridional flow acting on the background meridional O 3 gradient. Our results underscore the importance of considering the role of the jet stream and surface-level flow for the O 3-meteorology relationships, especially in light of expected changes to these features under climate change. Plain Language Summary The relationship of ozone (O 3) with meteorological variables such as temperature and humidity at the Earth's surface varies in strength and sign. Some regions, such as continental parts of the midlatitudes, experience increases in O 3 as the temperature or humidity rises. However, this is not the case over the entire Northern Hemisphere. We use detailed computer simulations of atmospheric chemistry to show that these relationships are primarily the result of changes in meteorology, not changes in emissions or chemistry. The relationship between O 3 and meteorological variables is related to the north-south movement of the jet stream, powerful eastward-flowing air currents located near the tropopause that can encircle the hemisphere. Specifically, we find that the jet stream influences the O 3-meteorology relationships due to its effect on the northward and southward advection of O 3 , temperature, and humidity and not due to cyclones and the associated frontal activity, as has been previously suggested. Our results are relevant for understanding the present-day O 3-meteorology relationships and how climate change may impact O 3 pollution.