A NanoSIMS 50L is used to investigate uranium molecular (235 U 16 o, 236 U 16 o, 238 U 16 o, 235 U 1 H, 238 U 1 H, 236 U 16 o 1 H, and 238 U 16 o 1 H) and elemental (235 U, 236 U, and 238 U) secondary ion production during sputtering of synthetic Uo 2 and the NIST-610 standard to determine if: (1) the 236 U 16 o/ 238 U 16 o molecular oxide ratio performs better than the 236 U/ 238 U elemental ratio, and (2) there is co-variance between the molecular hydrides and oxides. Despite an order of magnitude greater abundance of 236 U 16 O secondary ions (compared to 236 U), the 236 U 16 o/ 238 U 16 o ratios are less accurate than the 236 U/ 238 U ratios. further work is needed before the higher count rate of the 236 U 16 o secondary ion can be used to obtain a better 236 U/ 238 U ratio. the second objective was undertaken because correction for the interference of 235 U 1 H on the 236 U secondary ion species typically utilizes the 238 U 1 H/ 238 U ratio. this becomes problematic in samples containing 239 pu, so our aim was to understand if the hydride formation rate can be constrained independently of having to measure the 238 U 1 H. We document correlations between the hydride (238 U 1 H and 238 U 16 o 1 H) and oxide (236 U 16 o) secondary ions, suggesting that pursuing an alternative correction regime is worthwhile. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is routinely utilized for determining the uranium isotopic composition in a wide variety of materials. For samples containing anthropogenically perturbed uranium, the 234 U/ 238 U, 235 U/ 238 U, and 236 U/ 238 U ratios can be useful indicators of processing history (an up-to-date discussion can be found in 1). Of these uranium isotope ratios, the 236 U/ 238 U determination by SIMS is particularly challenging for a number of reasons (see discussion by 2). One reason is that the 'natural' 236 U/ 238 U is < 10-103 , and while the 236 U/ 238 U of anthropogenically modified material can have elevated 236 U/ 238 U, the 236 U/ 238 U ratio is still typically considerably lower than that of the 235 U/ 238 U. This becomes a problem in situations where there is a limited amount of sample available for analysis (e.g. single particle analysis) because precision and accuracy in isotope ratio mass spectrometry are statistically limited by the count-rate of the minor isotope. This is compounded by the fact that the effective transmission of SIMS instruments, which can be thought of as the amount of secondary ions of the target analyte reaching the detector in comparison to the number sputtered from the matrix being analyzed, are typically a few percent at best 4. A separate issue that complicates the 236 U/ 238 U determination by SIMS relates to the fact that, when material is sputtered, both elemental and molecular secondary ions are formed. For the 236 U/ 238 U, formation of the 235 U 1 H hydride molecular species is problematic because a mass resolving power of 38,158 (defined as M/∆M) would be necessary to resolve the 236 U signal independently of the 235 U 1 H interference. Such ...