In 1989, Light defi ned communicative competence for individuals with complex communication needs who require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) as a dynamic interpersonal construct based on functionality of communication; adequacy of communication; and suffi ciency of knowledge, judgment, and skills. Specifi cally, Light argued that, in order to demonstrate communicative competence, individuals who required AAC had to develop and integrate knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains: linguistic, operational, social, and strategic. In 2003, Light expanded this defi nition and argued that the attainment of communicative competence is infl uenced by not just linguistic, operational, social, and strategic competencies but also a variety of psychosocial factors (e.g., motivation, attitude, confi dence, resilience) as well as barriers and supports in the environment. In the 25 years since this defi nition of communicative competence for individuals who use AAC was originally proposed, there have been signifi cant changes in the AAC fi eld. In this paper, we review the preliminary defi nition of communicative competence, consider the changes in the fi eld, and then revisit the proposed defi nition to determine if it is still relevant and valid for this new era of communication.