Modeling relations between individuals is a classical question in social sciences, ecology, etc. In order to uncover a latent structure in the data, a popular approach consists in clustering individuals according to the observed patterns of interactions. To do so, Stochastic Block Models and Latent Block models are standard tools for clustering the individuals with respect to their connections in a unique network. However, when adopting an integrative point of view, individuals are not involved in a unique network only but are part of several networks, resulting in a potentially complex multipartite network. In this paper, we propose a latent variable model which can handle multipartite networks. The latent variables correspond to clusters of individuals which shape their connections in all the networks they are involved in. Our model is then an extension of the latent block model and stochastic block model. The parameters are estimated through a variational Expectation-Maximization procedure. The numbers of blocks are chosen with the Integrated Completed Likelihood criterion, a penalized likelihood criterion. This model is motivated by two datasets issued from ecology and ethnobiology.