Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces costs and power consumption at the receiver end. Most of the frequency division duplex systems with linear precoding acquire the channel state information at the receiver side by using supervised algorithms. Such methods make use of pilot symbols periodically provided by the transmitter. In a later step, this channel state information is sent to the transmitter side through a low-cost feedback channel. Thus, the available channel information allows the transmitter to adapt signals to the channel conditions. Given that pilot symbols do not convey user data, the inclusion of such symbols penalizes the throughput, the spectral efficiency, and the transmission energy consumption of the system. In this work, we propose to mitigate the above-mentioned limitations by combining both supervised and unsupervised algorithms to acquire the channel state information needed by the transmitter. The key idea consists of introducing a simple criterion to determine whether the channel has suffered a significant variation which could require the transmission of pilot symbols. Otherwise, when small fluctuations happen, an unsupervised method is used to track these channel variations instead. This criterion will be evaluated by considering two types of strategies for the design of the linear precoders: Zero-Forcing (ZF) and Wiener criteria. * Corresponding author. Phone: +34 98167000 ext. 1366, FAX: +34 981167160