Bibliothèque etArchives Canada Direction du Patrimoine de l'édition 2.2 The desired (dash), output trajectory (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for joints 1 and 2 without using input and output disturbance noise under Theorem 2.1 2.3 The tracking errors for joints 1 and 2 without using input and output disturbance noise under Theorem 2.1 2.4 The desired (dash), output trajectory (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for joints 1 and 2 using output feedback design of Theorem 2.1 with initial conditions 2.5 The tracking errors for joints 1 and 2 using with output feedback design of Theorem 2.1 using with initial conditions 2.6 The disturbance level of w(t) 2.7 The desired (dash), output trajectory (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for joints 1 and 2 using output feedback design of Theorem 2.1 using with input and output disturbance noise w(t) 572.8 The tracking errors of joints 1 and 2 under Theorem 2.1 with the disturbance noise w(t) 59 6 2.9 The desired (dash), output tracking (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for the joint 1 and joint 2 with Theorem 2.1 under dynamics changes 61 2.10 The tracking errors for joints 1 and 2 with Theorem 2.1 under model dynamic changes 62 2.11 The desired (dash), output tracking (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for the joint 1 and joint 2 under Theorem 2.2. 65 2.12 The tracking errors for joint 1 and joint 2 with Theorem 2.2 2.13 The desired (dash), output tracking (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for joints 1 and 2 under output feedback design of Theorem 2.3 without using the input and output disturbance noise 2.14 The tracking errors for joints 1 and 2 with the PD output feedback design of Theorem 2.3 without using the input and output disturbance noise 2.15 The desired (dash), output tracking (radians) (solid) and control inputs (newton-meters) for joints 1 and 2 under output feedback design of Theorem 2.3 using with the input and output disturbance noise w(t) 2.16 The The tracking errors for joint 1 and joint 2 under PD output feedback design with the input and output disturbance noise measurement w(t) 2.17 The tracking errors for joints 1 and 2 under PD and classical adaptive output feedback design under dynamics changes 3.1 The tracking errors (radians) for joint 1 and joint 2 under CAOFB and hybrid adaptive output feedback design with model dynamic changes. The solid-line is for CAOFB design and the red-dash-line is for Theorem 3.3 94 73.2 The tracking errors (radians), the control input (newton-meters) for joint 1 and joint under Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.3. The solidline is for Theorem 3.1 and the red-dash-line is for Theorem 3.3. . .
3.3The disturbance noise level d(t) -w(t) (newton-meters)3.4 The tracking errors (radians), the control input (newton-meters) for joint 1 and joint 2 under Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.3. The sloidline is for Theorem 3.1 and the red-dash-line is for Theorem 3.3. . .
3.5The tracking errors (radians), the control input (newton-meters) fo...