1984. Morphometric study of the cochlea of the rabbit ( Orw-rulngus tunic-ulus ). Can. J . Zool . 62: 2476 -248 1 .A detailed morphometric study of the cochleae in four rabbits (0ryc~rultrgu.s c~unic~u1u.s) was made from graphic reconstructions of serial sections. Morphometric changes studied along the length of the cochlea were ( i ) the cross-sectional areas of the scalae vestibuli, tympani. and media, ( i i ) the width of the basilar membrane. (iii) the cross-sectional area and thickness of the basilar membrane, and ( i v ) the density of the bipolar ganglion cells innervating the organ of Corti. Changes in the cross-sectional areas of the scalae tympani and vestibuli were similar, both decrease from the cochlear base to 1.2 mm, increase to maximum values of 1.4 mm' at 3.0 mm. and decrease to 0.4 mm' at 4.3 mm. The cross-sectional area of the scala media remained unchanged. Three distinct morphometric changes were observed in the width and cross-sectional area of the basilar membrane. Firstly, there is a steep increase from the basal end to 3.2 mm. secondly a gradual increase from 3.2 to 8.5 mm, and thirdly, the greatest values occurred between 8.5 and 9.