hydrogen dynamics of nanoconfined sodium Alanate (NaAlH4) has been studied using quasi-elastic neutron scattering
(QENS). Results indicate thermodynamic destabilization is responsible
for reduced desorption temperatures of NaAlH4 upon confinement
within the nanopores of a metal organic framework (MOF). The quasi-elastic
broadening in the nano-NaAlH4 indicates that there are
two dynamic states of hydrogen, which can be tracked by fitting the
QENS signal to Lorentzian functions. The fastest hydrogen dynamics
show some limited amount and range of long-range diffusion (i.e.,
not spatially confined motion) as indicated by a weakly varying Q-dependent fwhm on the broad Lorentzian quasi-elastic broadening
data. These data trend toward zero at Q = 0 A–1. Slower hydrogen dynamics, described by a narrow
Lorentzian function, are present in the nanoconfined sample and can
be attributed to reorientation and localized motion of H around AlH
tetrahedra. Both the as-purchased NaAlH4 (hereafter called “bulk” or “micro”
NaAlH4) and the nanoconfined NaAlH4 data were
fitted to reorientation models which yielded corresponding percent
mobile hydrogen and jump lengths. The jump lengths calculated from
the nano-NaAlH4 were ≈2.5 Å and in conformity
with those jump lengths determined for bulk NaAlH4 of ≈2.3
Å. As much as 18% of the hydrogen atoms were estimated to be
mobile in the nano-NaAlH4 sample even at relatively low
temperatures of 350 K. In contrast, bulk NaAlH4 shows less
than 7% mobile H atoms even at higher temperatures of ≈450
K. The hydrogen motion in the nanoconfined samples are fitted to a
“high temperature (HT)” reorientation model in which
a motion occurs by “tumbling” reorientation of AlH
tetrahedra. The model assumes 3 of the 4
H atoms in the AlH4 tetrahedra to be continuously exchanging
their coplanar positions plus taking turns to exchange position with
the fourth axial H atom. The microscale sample was fitted to a convoluted
2-site/3-site model, which can be viewed as three-dimensional jumps
requiring the reorientation of the AlH4 tetrahedra. The
activation energy is 3.1 meV (at 125–320 K) and the attempt
frequency (or energy) is 4.7 meV for this motion.