Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an effective non-invasive method used to detect cardiac abnormalities. In our paper, we provide a study various noises, example power line disturbance (PLI), movement artifacts, electrode touch noise, muscle relaxation, base line drift, electromyography noise (EMG) and instrumentation noise etc. To remove above noises various algorithms of different filter, non-adaptive filter are used and we also provide discrete wavelet transform DWT. To filter random artifacts, filter with constant parameters, because hum manner is not accurate known relevant on time. For this problem to solve digital filter are used such as adaptive filters as smallest (least) mean square (LMS), Normalized mean square error (NLMS), Recursive least square (RLS), sign LMS, sign-sign LMS algorithms In the comparison among all have been tabulated. The quality of algorithms are evaluated by signal to noise ratio (SNR), mean square error (MSE), rate root mean difference (%PRD) and standardized mean square (NMSE). In the comparison to various adaptive algorithms sign-sign LMS gives better result for all parameters with MSE = 0.0253, NRMSE = 0.0033, %PRD = 0.3231, SNR = 5.327.