The development of wind power is progressing at a rapid pace. On a global scale, it is one of the most quickly expanding sources of power. Many countries rely on wind energy for a considerable portion of their energy needs.Its technology is constantly evolving. The security of supply and sustainability goals are achieved by increasing the installation of wind power capacity and utilization of wind resources. Because of this, the incorporation of wind power into the electrical grid is becoming a topic of research.Four signi cant topics within the theme of wind farm incorporated power systems are assessed. Their technical challenges and solutions are outlined in this paper. The topics include the effect of the energy storage system, optimization of wind farm layout, wind power forecasting, and impact on optimal power ow. Furthermore, a bibliographic coupling analysis is presented. It shows the interactions between journals and the natural impact of the journals. It also indicates the productivity of scienti c journals, citations, dissemination, and diversi cation of in uence.