Knowledge of how microorganisms respond and adapt to low-pressure (LP) environments is limited. Previously, Bacillus subtilis strain WN624 was grown at the near-inhibitory LP of 5 kPa for 1,000 generations and strain WN1106, which exhibited increased relative fitness at 5 kPa, was isolated. Genomic sequence differences between ancestral strain WN624 and LP-evolved strain WN1106 were identified using whole-genome sequencing. LP-evolved strain WN1106 carried amino acid-altering mutations in the coding sequences of only seven genes (fliI, parC, ytoI, bacD, resD, walK, and yvlD) and a single 9-nucleotide in-frame deletion in the rnjB gene that encodes RNase J2, a component of the RNA degradosome. By using a collection of frozen stocks of the LP-evolved culture taken at 50-generation intervals, it was determined that (i) the fitness increase at LP occurred rapidly, while (ii) mutation acquisition exhibited complex kinetics. A knockout mutant of rnjB was shown to increase the competitive fitness of B. subtilis at both LP and standard atmospheric pressure.
Microorganisms exhibit an ability to survive and even thrive in a wide range of harsh environments on Earth, which feature extremes of fundamental physical parameters such as temperature and pressure (1). Organisms able to grow at extremely high temperatures (i.e., thermophiles) or low temperatures (i.e., psychrophiles) have been studied extensively (1), as well as organisms capable of growth at high pressure (HP) (i.e., piezophiles) (1, 2). In sharp contrast, our understanding is extremely limited concerning microbial survival, adaptation, and growth in low-pressure (LP) environments. In part, this reflects a relative scarcity of LP environments on the Earth's surface; the atmospheric pressure at sea level averages ϳ101.3 kPa, and the lowest average terrestrial barometric pressure is ϳ34 kPa, atop Mount Everest. However, there has been a recent upsurge of interest in studying the response of microbes to LP exposure. First, Earth's upper atmosphere is a global LP environment that poses unique challenges to microbial survival and growth; for example, 5 kPa of pressure corresponds to an altitude of ϳ19 km, in the lower stratosphere (3-5). Second, man-made LP environments (e.g., hypobaric chambers at pressures of ϳ2 kPa) have proven useful for the long-term storage of high-value agricultural commodities, partly due to LP inhibition of the growth of spoilage microorganisms (6). Third, considerable effort is currently being devoted to the study of the biology of the extraterrestrial environment of Mars, which features an LP atmosphere ranging from ϳ0.1 kPa to ϳ1 kPa; in this context, LP microbiology is important both for life detection and for planetary protection purposes (7).To understand how microbes respond and adapt to LP, we previously reported an evolution experiment in which Bacillus subtilis ancestral strain WN624 was propagated in liquid LB medium for 1,000 generations at an LP of 5 kPa; during this experiment, an enhanced growth capability evolved in the cultur...