-Power semiconductor devices have been the major backbone for high-power electronic devices. One of important parameters in view of power semiconductor devices often characterize with a high breakdown voltage. Therefore, many efforts have been made, since the development of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), toward having higher level of breakdown voltage, whereby the typical design thereof is focused on the structure using the field ring. In this study, in an attempt to make up more optimized field-ring structure, the characteristics of the field ring were investigated with the use of theoretical arithmetic model and methodologically the design of experiments (DOE). In addition, the IGBT having the field-ring structure was designed via simulation based on the finding from the above, the result of which was also analyzed. Lastly, the current study described the trench field-ring structure taking advantages of trench-etching process having the improved field-ring structure, not as simple as the conventional one. As a result of the simulation, it was found that the improved trench field-ring structure leads to more desirable voltage divider than relying on the conventional field-ring structure.