Anti-Fy3, found in the serum of an Fy(a-b-) Cree Indian woman
believed to have been transfused 5 years previously, caused moderate hemolytic
disease of the newborn in her eighth live-born baby. Only three examples of anti-
Fy3 are known. It is striking that two were made by non-negro people, amongst
whom Fy(a-b-) is extremely rare, and only one by a Negro, in whose people
Fy(a-b-) is by far the commonest phenotype. This suggests that Fy(a-b-) may be a
heterogeneous phenotype, with the negro version conferring some impediment to
immunization by Fy^a, Fyb or Fy3 antigens.
The rare allele Fy^x is also present in the kindred of the propositus, and is
shown to correspond to weak Fy3 as well as weak Fy^b antigen.