Reionization of an ion colliding with a solid surface is possible when the atomic level of the ion crosses the Fermi level of the surface. We use a recently reported soluble model to show that a shift of the atomic level above the Fermi level comparable to the surface bandwidth leads to oscillations in the ion survival probability, even when Stueckelberg oscillations are absent. The competing mechanisms responsible for this interesting oscillatory behavior are elucidated and related to a previously unexpected interference between the initially full and empty metallic states.Understanding the processes of charge transfer in ion scattering from metallic surfaces is fundamental to investigations of chemical reactions, adsorption and desorption at surfaces, and ion based spectroscopies and the corresponding experimental and theoretical literature is sizeable. Theoretical studies, usually based on some version of the NewnsAnderson Hamiltonian ͓1,2͔ and usually requiring lengthy numerical computations, involve either single nondegenerate atomic levels ͑i.e., single-particle models͒ ͓3-8͔ or multiple and degenerate atomic orbitals ͑i.e., many-body theories͒ ͓9-11͔; the influence of Auger processes on charge exchange with jellium metals has also been studied ͓12,13͔. Generally speaking, for a normally incident positive ion, the behavior of the survival probability P a ͑t f ͒ at final time t f → ϱ, either decreases monotonically or displays oscillations as a function of the inverse velocity. The former behavior was originally predicted by the infinitely wide band model ͑TWB͒ ͓3͔ and the latter by the two-level model ͑TNB͒ ͓14-20͔, both of which are soluble, single-particle models. Indeed, the oscillations arise from quasiresonant interactions between the atomic energy levels and a narrow band of the solid, in analogy to the quantum-mechanical phase interference between atomic levels and localized states responsible for the Stueckelberg oscillations ͑SOs͒ ͓15͔ in atomic collisions ͓14-20͔.The predictive capacity of these soluble, single-particle models was important in achieving the results underlying much of our intuition regarding the problem. In recent work ͓21,22͔, we reported a soluble single-particle model which covers the range between the TNB and the TWB and readily permits an exhaustive investigation of the systematic influence of the parameters of the problem, in contrast to previous work involving numerical computations: among the results was the demonstration of the destruction of the analog SO when the atomic level is close enough to the Fermi energy ͓21,22͔.In this paper, we report a type of oscillation, which we call a reionization oscillation for reasons discussed below, in P a ͑t f ͒ which can exist even when the usual Stueckelberg oscillations have been destroyed and whose magnitude rivals that of the SO. We attribute the origin of these reionization oscillations to an unexpected type of interference, that between metallic states caused by their strong interaction with an atomic level which rises above th...