Dear AHH01 Reviewers,The attached paper describes the intensional approach to versionable hypertext, whether that text is driven by an adaptable or adaptive interaction.The paper describes the current implementation to support this model-neutral approach to authoring a front end for versionable interaction.Consequently, though it's a fast read, and even though there's no page limit for the workshop, the paper may be a tad long in terms of specific detail. We hope this is ok for the workshop for a couple of reasons. Intensional Hypertext is a new-ish approach in this context. We hope by this paper to provide the reviewers and the workshop participants with as much info in this space as possible for good discussion and your feedback.Thank you for your consideration. Should our paper be accepted, we'll of course be more than happy to pare back for the printed proceedings as required. Abstract. In this paper describe a methodology and an authoring/publishing tool for adaptable Web documents (user-determined adaptable Web pages) as a complementary approach to Adaptive Hypermedia. Our approach is based on intensional logic, the logic of assertions and expressions, which vary over a collection of contexts or possible worlds. In our approach the contexts are sets of values for parameters which specify the current user profile as supplied by the current Web page URL, and the latest user input. The author produces generic (multi-version) source in the form of HTML with extra markup delimiting parts that are sensitive (in various ways) to the parameters. This source (in what we call Intensional Markup Language) is translated into a Perllike language called ISE (Intensional Sequential Evaluator). To generate the appropriately adapted individual pages, the server runs the ISE program in the appropriate context. The program produces HTML that, when displayed in the user's browser, is rendered into the desired adaptation of the requested page. Although this intensional approach was originally designed to work without any explicit user model, we can extend it (and make the documents adaptive as well as adaptable) simply by incorporating a user model that monitors the user and computes some of the profile parameters.