This article proposes two dual-ascent algorithms and uses each in combination with a primal drop heuristic embedded within a branch and bound framework to solve the uncapacitated production assembly distribution system (i.e., supply chain) design problem, which is formulated as a mixed integer program. Computational results indicate that one approach, which combines primal drop and dual-ascent heuristics, can solve instances within reasonable time and prescribes solutions with gaps between the primal and dual solution values that are less than 0.15%, an efficacy suiting it for actual large-scale applications. The fixed-charge network design problem is a generalization of the facility location problem [34]. Researchers have designed dual-ascent approaches to both uncapacitated [2] and capacitated [17,22] fixed-charge network design problems. In particular, Balakrishnan et al.[1] devised dual-ascent algorithms for networks with special topological structures (e.g., multilevel networks). The network design problem is a generalization of the fixed-charge network flow problem. The latter assumes that each arc provides a certain capacity, whereas the former allows arc capacity to be selected from several alternatives. The supply chain design problem is related to the productiondistribution network design problem [21,28], a special case of the network design problem in which the network is acyclic.