A highly sensitive assay of tRNA aminoacylation was developed that directly measures the fraction of aminoacylated tRNA by following amino acid attachment to the 3 -32 P-labeled tRNA. When applied to Escherichia coli alanyl-tRNA synthetase, the assay allowed accurate measurement of aminoacylation of the most deleterious mutants of tRNA Ala . The effect of tRNA Ala identity mutations on both aminoacylation efficiency (kcat͞KM) and steady-state level of aminoacyl-tRNA was evaluated in the absence and presence of inorganic pyrophosphatase and elongation factor Tu. Significant levels of aminoacylation were achieved for tRNA mutants even when the kcat͞KM value is reduced by as much as several thousandfold. These results partially reconcile the discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro analysis of tRNA Ala identity.T wo major approaches have been developed to identify nucleotides required for tRNA recognition by aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) synthetases (aaRSs). The first involves introducing a suppressor anticodon into a tRNA of interest and then examining the suppressor activity of the point mutations in vivo (1). The second involves assaying aminoacylation activity of mutant tRNAs made by transcription in vitro (2). Both methods reveal a limited number of nucleotides critical for aminoacylation, the importance of which was confirmed by performing ''swap'' experiments in which the proposed nucleotides were transplanted into the body of another tRNA (2, 3). Subsequent analysis of aminoacylation rate in vitro or sequencing of the reporter proteins in vivo was used to confirm that change in tRNA identity had occurred. These two methods generally agree reasonably well with each other and correlate well with observed base-specific contacts in cocrystal structures of tRNA-aaRS complexes (4-6). However, there are several examples where the conclusions derived from in vitro and in vivo approaches disagree, the most notable of which is the recognition of tRNA Ala by Escherichia coli alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS). Although no cocrystal structure is available, in vitro experiments with truncated RNA substrates (7, 8) and mutant tRNA Ala (9) as well as identity-swap experiments (10, 11) strongly suggested that the G3⅐U70 pair is the major identity element of tRNA Ala . The deleterious effect of mutations of this base pair significantly exceeds those of other tRNA Ala recognition elements (8, 9, 12-15) and clearly was indicative of the predominant role of this base pair and in particular the exocyclic amino group of G3 in recognition. In contrast, in vivo experiments showed that many of same mutations in the G3⅐U70 base pair have only a moderate effect on the levels of aminoacylated tRNA Ala in E. coli and consequently on the ability of the mutant tRNAs to function in protein synthesis (16,17). A careful analysis of the in vivo experiments indicates that the observed discrepancy was not caused by the technical problems associated with the determining of tRNA aminoacylation levels in vivo, and therefore it was proposed that the discre...