The issue of Quality of Service (QoS) in wireless communications remains. To guarantee QoS, routing protocols plays an important role. Several routing approaches are proposed. Taking into account adequately link quality in all the processes concerned by route choice is tricky. In this paper,we focus on Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, a well known Mobile Ad Hoc NETwork routing protocol. Route selection process in OLSR protocol has many components. QoS selection approach must take into account efficiently all main components of this process. Unless many works interest to the improvement of MPR nodes selection mechanism and the estimate of shortest path with dijsktra algorithm according to various metrics, very few concern the quality of path for communications with the neighbors and second-neighbors. The shortest path calculation with dijsktra algorithm does not concern this neighborhood. In this work, in addition to taking into account link reliability in the Multi-Point Relay nodes selection process and shortest path computation, we consider the neighbors and second-neighbors (2-hops-neighbors) integration process into routing table. With our new approach, a node takes into account all route announcements and select the route with the lowest Bit Error Rate. Then, a node may use two or more hops path to communicate with its neighbors. This approach allows to improve significantly packet delivery ratio.