A high-precision direct Penning trap mass measurement has revealed a 0.5-MeV deviation of the binding energy of 134 Sn from the currently accepted value. The corrected mass assignment of this neutronrich nuclide restores the neutron-shell gap at N 82, previously considered to be a case of ''shell quenching.'' In fact, the new shell gap value for the short-lived 132 Sn is larger than that of the doubly magic 48 Ca which is stable. The N 82 shell gap has considerable impact on fission recycling during the r process. More generally, the new finding has important consequences for microscopic mean-field theories which systematically deviate from the measured binding energies of closed-shell nuclides. Shell effects are fundamental pillars upholding nuclear structure. The so-called ''magic'' numbers indicate closed shells, corresponding to spherical nuclei that provide important benchmarks for theoretical descriptions. The advent of radioactive beams has brought to light surprising evidence that shell closures lose their magicity far from stability, in regions of extreme isospin imbalance. The term ''shell quenching'' [1] has been used in cases where the effect of a magic number is eroded to the point of disappearance, as in the case of N 20 [2] and N 28 [3]. The nuclear ground-state binding energy, through the mass, has been a traditional observable for shell effects [4]. While these effects are small, especially considering the much larger volume and surface contributions to the binding energy, they can now be probed by mass measurements using high-precision techniques over large areas of the nuclear chart [5,6].The strength of the shell closures is important for nucleosynthesis via the rapid neutron capture process and consequently, masses have a considerable influence on the abundance distributions of heavy elements (see, for example, the work of Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, and Hoyle (BBFH) [7]). In their seminal work, BBFH elaborated the role of fission in the r process. This thread has been revived recently by who assert that the N 82 shell gap plays a pivotal role in the neutron-consumption rate during the r process.The strength of the 132 Sn shell, as derived from previous mass data, does not reflect a doubly magic nuclide whose vibrational (spherical) properties are well established from spectroscopy studies. One hypothesis, from -spectroscopy studies, was that the N 82 shell closure might be quenched [9]. The present letter reports on the resolution of this conflict. It turns out that the strength of the 132 Sn shell closure was mistakenly determined to be too small. Our new, direct mass measurement of 134 Sn has revealed a 0.5-MeV discrepancy with respect to previous Q measurements [10,11]. This finally restores the shell closure to that expected for a doubly magic nuclide.Mass measurements on the isotopes 127;131-134 Sn were performed with the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP [12,13], installed at the online isotope separator ISOLDE [14] at CERN. The short-lived tin nuclides were produced by imping...