Motivated by Tukey classification problems and building on work in Part 1, we develop a new hierarchy of topological Ramsey spaces R α , α < ω 1 . These spaces form a natural hierarchy of complexity, R 0 being the Ellentuck space, and for each α < ω 1 , R α+1 coming immediately after R α in complexity. Associated with each R α is an ultrafilter U α , which is Ramsey for R α , and in particular, is a rapid p-point satisfying certain partition properties. We prove Ramsey-classification theorems for equivalence relations on fronts on R α , 2 ≤ α < ω 1 . These form a hierarchy of extensions of the Pudlak-Rödl Theorem canonizing equivalence relations on barriers on the Ellentuck space. We then apply our Ramsey-classification theorems to completely classify all Rudin-Keisler equivalence classes of ultrafilters which are Tukey reducible to U α , for each 2 ≤ α < ω 1 : Every nonprincipal ultrafilter which is Tukey reducible to U α is isomorphic to a countable iteration of Fubini products of ultrafilters from among a fixed countable collection of rapid p-points. Moreover, we show that the Tukey types of nonprincipal ultrafilters Tukey reducible to U α form a descending chain of rapid p-points of order type α + 1.License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 4628 NATASHA DOBRINEN AND STEVO TODORCEVIC equivalence relations for uniform barriers on R 1 of rank n. In this paper, we prove similar results for all 2 ≤ α < ω 1 . In Theorem 4.22, we show that for all 2 ≤ α < ω 1 , for any uniform barrier B on R α of finite rank and any equivalence relation E on B, there is an X ∈ R α such that E restricted to the members of B coming from within X is exactly one of the canonical equivalence relations. For finite α, there are finitely many canonical equivalence relations on uniform barriers of finite rank; these are represented by a certain collection of finite trees. Moreover, the numbers of canonical equivalence relations for finite α are given by a recursive function. For infinite α, there are infinitely many canonical equivalence relations on uniform barriers of finite rank, represented by tree-like structures. These theorems generalize the Erdős-Rado Theorem [8] for uniform barriers of finite rank on the Ellentuck space, namely, those of the form [N] n .In the main theorem of this paper, Theorem 4.12, we prove new Ramsey-classification theorems for all barriers (and moreover all fronts) on the topological Ramsey spaces R α , 2 ≤ α < ω 1 . We prove that for any barrier B on R α and any equivalence relation on B, there is an inner Sperner map which canonizes the equivalence relation. This generalizes our analogous theorem for R 1 in [5], which in turn generalized the Pudlak-Rödl Theorem [13] for barriers on the Ellentuck space. These classification theorems were motivated by the following.Recently the second author (see Theorem 24 in [14]) has made a connection between the Ramsey-classification theory (also known as the canonical Ramsey theory) and the Tukey classificati...