INTRODUCTIONhe facial skeletal serves a key importance in human body. 1 Apart from aesthetics, it gives sense of organ for smell, sight and taste. It also facilitates eating, chewing, breathing and speech .The facial bones share frontal bone, nasal bones, maxillae, zygoma and mandible. And the two maxillae form the middle third of facial skeleton and attached laterally with the two zygomatic bones at zygomaticomaxillary sutures. 2 Zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) is the skeletal unit of middle third of face. The boundary of the cheek is defined by zygoma and it separates orbit from maxillary antrum and infratemporal fossa.The zygomatic bone is a quadrangular-shaped bone . It articulates with the four bones at four sutures i.e frontal, temporal, maxillary and sphenoid bones. These sutures are usual weakness areas for fractures. 2 The zygomatic bone fractures are the one of the most common mid-facial bone fracture. 3 The commonest causes of ZMC fractures are RTAs, falls, violence, work and sports accidents, gunshot wound/blast injuries. Incidence of these fractures is more common among males than females with a 3-5:1 whereas in underdeveloped countries the ratio is as high as 10-40:12. These are most frequent among people who are aged 20-30 years. 5 These fractures are diagnosed usually clinically, and