A tractable but quite general analysis of the influence of support oscillation in oscillatory wind tunnel testing is presented. This is an extension of a recent analysis of sting plunging in the pitch-oscillation mode. It is shown that the sting plunging correction is equivalent to an aerodynamic axis transformation from the inertial rotation center. The basic approach is free of simplifying assumptions beyond those implicit in the transformation equations and can be extended to any measurement degree of freedom. The only requirement is for appropriate measurements of the location of the axis of rotation.M,N P,q>r A e co CO Nomenclature = wing span = mean aerodynamic chord = dynamic derivative with respect to reduced-rate parameter: J_ dco ?,m,n; co = #, a. (of=c);co = r (d=b) = static derivative with respect to a: --, da . i = t,m,n; a=a, = rolling-moment coefficient, L/(q w Sb) = pitching-moment coefficient, M/(q 00 Sc) = yawing moment coefficient, N/(q fx> Sb) = generalized reference length = generalized aerodynamic force vector = generalized aerodynamic moment vector = rolling, pitching, and yawing moments = body axes angular velocities = freestream dynamic pressure = generalized pitching angular velocity = reference area = freestream velocity = body axes system, fixed at center of rotation = wind-fixed coordinate system = longitudinal body coordinate, positive aft = displacement of oscillation axis = aerodynamic side force and normal force = angles of attack and sideslip = mean angle of attack = amplitude = pitch perturbation angle = m/( P Sd) = \z\/d, \x\/d -generalized angle of incidence = phase angle between translational and rotational motions = generalized angular velocity = reduced frequency, = ud/ ( 2 V^ ) = natural frequency in pure translation Subscripts c eg = center of rotation = center of mass