We report our Keck/MOSFIRE and Magellan/LDSS3 spectroscopy for an [Oii] Blob, OiiB 10, that is a high-z galaxy with spatially extended [Oii]λλ3726, 3729 emission over 30 kpc recently identified by a Subaru large-area narrowband survey. The systemic redshift of OiiB 10 is z = 1.18 securely determined with [Oiii]λλ4959, 5007 and Hβ emission lines. We identify Feiiλ2587 and Mgiiλλ2796,2804 absorption lines blueshifted from the systemic redshift by 80 ± 50 and 260 ± 40 km s −1 , respectively, which indicate gas outflow from OiiB 10 with the velocity of ∼ 80 − 260 km s −1 . This outflow velocity is comparable with the escape velocity, 250±140 km s −1 , estimated under the assumption of a singular isothermal halo potential profile. Some fraction of the outflowing gas could escape from the halo of OiiB 10, suppressing OiiB 10's star-formation activity. We estimate a mass loading factor, η, that is a ratio of mass outflow rate to star-formation rate, and obtain η > 0.8 ± 0.1 which is relatively high compared with low-z starbursts including U/LIRGs and AGNs. The major energy source of the outflow is unclear with the available data. Although no signature of AGN is found in the X-ray data, OiiB 10 falls in the AGN/star-forming composite region in the line diagnostic diagrams. It is possible that the outflow is powered by star formation and a type-2 AGN with narrow FWHM emission line widths of 70 − 130 km s −1 . This is the first detailed spectroscopic study of oxygen-line blobs, which includes the analyses of the escape velocity, the mass loading factor, and the presence of an AGN, and a significant step to understanding the nature of oxygen-line blobs and the relation with gas outflow and star-formation quenching at high redshift.