Abstract. In this paper we study the distribution of C (A) and log C (A), where C (A) is a condition number for the linear conic system Ax ≤ 0, x = 0, with A ∈ R n×m . For Gaussian matrices A we develop both upper and lower bounds on the decay rates of the distribution tails of C (A), showing that P [C (A) ≥ t] ∼ c/t for large t, where c is a factor that depends only on the problem dimensions (m, n). Using these bounds, we derive moment estimates for C (A) and log C (A) and prove various limit theorems for the cases where m and/or n are large. Combined with condition number based complexity analyses, our results yield tail information on the distribution of running times for interior-point or relaxation methods designed to solve the feasibility problem Ax ≤ 0, x = 0.