In the past couple of decades computer simulations, especially the Discrete Element Method (DEM) have evolved to become important tools to study granular matter. In this thesis, DEM simulations are used to study granular material in the critical state, by focusing inside the flowing zones induced by a special geometry called the split-bottom geometry. The aim of this work is to link the microscopic properties to the macroscopic bulk behavior as observed in experiments. viii SUMMARY Samenvatting Micro-macro en reologie in granulaire materie door A. Singh Toen ik nog een kind was Liep ik over het zand Maar ik zakte er nooit in weg Mijn huis stond op de grond Maar het storte niet in Did deek me denken Grond is een vaste stof! AMaar toen ik ouder werd Hoorde ik over de scheef staande toren van Pisa en zag ik Een verschrikkelijke aardverschuiving ADezelfde grond De grond waar ik op sta Hij ziet er anders uit dan eerst Het blijft een raadsel Is het een vaste stof Of zoch vloeibaar? xii SAMENVATTING I arrived in Enschede on 23 August 2009 and back then, I did not have a background in Granular Materials. However, today when I am writing the final chapter of my thesis, I feel content, happy and confident that I took the right decision. Regarding my interest towards research, I owe a big thanks to Dr. Ram Ramaswamy, who taught me that learning science can be fun too. The long conversations about research over coffee with him inspired me to think about a career in science. Dr. Rama Govindarajan plays an equally important role as she introduced me to the world of numerical research. Heartfelt thanks to Dr. G. P. Raja Sekhar, for being my master thesis supervisor against all odds and helping me with the applications for Ph.D.The memory goes back to the day of 9 March 2009 when I sent an email to Prof. Stefan Luding with the subject "Request for PhD position in your group". Following through the process of a Skype interview and sending in the recommendations, finally in June 2009 Stefan offered me a position. I was thrilled reading the email which stated that "You are the No. 1 on our list of candidates". After a master in Physics and my inclination towards research, I grabbed this opportunity without hesitation.First of all I would like to thank Stefan, for accepting me to be a part of his group and introducing me to the research in granular materials. The very first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Stefan is that he is simply awesome as a supervisor. He gave me all the freedom to design my thesis. As a supervisor, he has always been available, patient, motivating, and supporting in all aspects. He has always shown keen interest towards all my questions and discussion, some of which have even lasted for 3-4 hours. Those fruitful discussions have helped me grow as a researcher. I absolutely adore his effective and efficient, yet cool attitude. I have always wondered so as to how does he manage to switch among various topics of discussions, yet remained focused always. Understanding my personal life, you even allo...