“…Some au thors (e.g., Wang et al, 2006;Bolshakov, 2017;Jin et al, 2019) have ques tioned the lock-in depth hy poth e sis. They con sid ered sin gling out nine palaeosol units within the Brunhes chron (S0 to S8, where S8 in stead of S7 cor re sponds to MIS 19), in clud ing still only one MIS 13-15 pedocomplex and an ad di tional MIS 18.2 interstadial soil (Wang et al, 2006), or sep a rate MIS 13 and MIS 15 units (Bolshakov, 2017;Jin et al, 2019). This in ter pre ta tion is sup ported by data from the Luochuan, Sunmenxia, Jixian and Baicaoyuan sec tions in the cen tral and south east ern part of the CLP (Heller and Liu, 1984;Wang et al, 2006Wang et al, , 2014Jin and Liu, 2011;Liu et al, 2015;Jin et al, 2019), where the Matuyama-Brunhes re ver sal is fixed in palaeosol S8 be low L8.…”