For a cyclic covering map (Σ, K) → (Σ ′ , K ′ ) between two pairs of a 3-manifold and a knot each, we describe the fundamental group π1(Σ \ K) in terms of π1(Σ ′ \ K ′ ). As a consequence, we give an alternative proof for the fact that certain knots in S 3 cannot be represented as the preimage of any knot in a lens space, which is related to free periods of knots. In our proofs, the subgroup of a group G generated by the commutators and the pth power of each element of G plays a key role. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Lemmas in group theory and knot theory 3 3. Main theorem and corollaries 5 Appendix A. Braid groups and symmetric groups 8 Appendix B. Taking C p repeatedly 9 References 10