Ab initio and density functional theory calculations at the B3-MP2 and CCSD(T)/6-311 ϩ G(3df,2p) levels of theory are reported that address the protonation of adenine in the gas phase, water clusters, and bulk aqueous solution. The calculations point to N-1-protonated adenine (1 ؉ ) as the thermodynamically most stable cationic tautomer in the gas phase, water clusters, and bulk solution. This strongly indicates that electrospray ionization of adenine solutions produces tautomer 1 ؉ with a specificity calculated as 97-90% in the 298 -473 K temperature range. The mechanisms for elimination of hydrogen atoms and ammonia from 1 ؉ have also been studied computationally. Ion 1 ؉ is calculated to undergo fast migrations of protons among positions N-1, C-2, N-3, N-10, N-7, and C-8 that result in an exchange of five hydrogens before loss of a hydrogen atom forming adenine cation radical at 415 kJ mol Ϫ1 dissociation threshold energy. The elimination of ammonia is found to be substantially endothermic requiring 376 -380 kJ mol Ϫ1 at the dissociation threshold and depending on the dissociation pathway. The overall dissociation is slowed by the involvement of ion-molecule complexes along the dissociation pathways. The competing isomerization of 1 ؉ proceeds by a sequence of ring opening, internal rotations, imine flipping, ring closures, and proton migrations to effectively exchange the N-1 and N-10 atoms in 1 ؉ , so that either can be eliminated as ammonia. This mechanism explains the previous N-1/N-10 exchange upon collision-induced dissociation of protonated adenine. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2005, 16, 1713-1726