This work presents a novel approach to multivariate time series classification. The method exploits the multivariate structure of the time series and the possibilities of the stacking ensemble method. The basics of the method may be described in three steps: first, decomposing the multivariate time series on its constituent univariate time series; second, inducing a classifier for each univariate time series plus and additional multivariate classifier for the whole time series; third, creating the final multivariate time series classifier stacking the previous classifiers. The ensemble obtained has the potential to improve the accuracy of the single multivariate time series classifier. Several configurations of the stacking method have been tested on seven multivariate time series data sets. In five out of seven data sets, the proposed method obtains the smallest error rate. Moreover, in two out of seven data sets, stacking only the univariate time series classifiers provides the best results. The experimental results show that when a multivariate time series method does not produce an accurate classifier, stacking it with univariate time series classifiers is an alternative worthy of consideration.